Journal "Development of education" Vol 4, No 3

DOI: 10.31483/a-10294
Open Access
Development of education
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Development of education
print edition
Current state:
In archives
Number of pages:
Chuvash Republican Institute of Education of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic
PH "Sreda"

About the Journal

"Development of Education" is a peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes the results of scientific research, general theoretical reviews, methodological developments, and other Russian, English, and Chuvash-language materials of a scientific, educational, and cultural nature, both by individual authors and by groups of authors.

The mission of the journal is to highlight the results of modern scientific research on relevant problems of education in Russia and in the world. The editorial board of the journal consists of leading Russian and foreign specialists in the field of education.

The purpose of the journal is to be a platform for professional discussion of a range of issues related to education, for the development of the science of education. The most important principle of the journal is to cover both traditional pedagogical issues and problems of psychology and sociology of education.


  • 1. Special Theme of The Issue
  • 2. Pedagogy and Modern Education
  • 3. Psychology in Education
  • 4. Sociology of Education
  • 5. Reviews and Peer-Reviews
  • 6. Practice
  • 7. Discussion