Formation of Intercultural Competence of Primary Schoolchildren in Mastering Listening Comprehension Skills

Research Article
EDN: OLSXMK DOI: 10.31483/r-75021
Open Access
International academic journal «Ethnic Culture»
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Published in:
International academic journal «Ethnic Culture»
Aleksey S. Shimichev 1
Work direction:
Problems of Crosslinguistic and Intercultural Communication
Received: 15 March 2020

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1 FSBEI of HE "Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University"
For citation:
Shimichev A. S. (2020). Formation of Intercultural Competence of Primary Schoolchildren in Mastering Listening Comprehension Skills. Ethnic Culture, 83-87. EDN: OLSXMK.
UDC 373.3:39


The article is devoted to the issue of teaching how to master listening comprehension skills while learning a foreign language in order to form the intercultural competence of primary schoolchildren. The relevance of the study is due to the need to create a fundamental basis for giving possibility to pupils to master communication skills in order being able to communicate effectively in a foreign language at a cross-cultural level, which is one of the strategic goals of modern linguistic education. The technology of phased work with authentic texts for mastering listening comprehension skills, including the stage of preliminary work and smoothing difficulties, the stage of listening and working with the text, the stage of post-listening and doing creative tasks based on the text is presented in the article. Research methods: scientometric analysis of scientific sources, pedagogical modeling, analysis of educational programs and standards, educational documentation and educational information on research studied, diagnostic methods, such as survey, experimental learning. Results. It is proposed to solve the problem by listening to authentic texts, as a purposeful process of mastering not only the linguistic, but also the cultural code of a foreign language, which is necessary to realize the principle of cultures’ dialogue. The educational goals in teaching primary schoolchildren how to master listening comprehension skills while learning a foreign language, as well as the methodological arguments for teaching listening comprehension as an independent type of speech activity are highlighted. It is concluded that this is not always the case when having a high level of foreign language communicative competence, students can achieve successful interaction at the intercultural level due to insufficient intercultural communication skills.


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