The practice-analytical approach in the process of study of organic chemistry

Research Article
EDN: YPERWX DOI: 10.31483/r-21455
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education»
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Published in:
International academic journal «Development of education»
Elena V. Khromtsova 1 , Larisa I. Chekmareva 1
Work direction:
Theoretical and applied research in education
Received: 12 September 2018

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1 Pacific National University
For citation:
Khromtsova E. V., & Chekmareva L. I. (2018). The practice-analytical approach in the process of study of organic chemistry. Development of education, 63-66. EDN: YPERWX.
UDC УДК 348.1


The article presents the experience of using the practice-analytical approach in the process of study of organic chemistry at the University. The conceptual base for the restructuring of the course was the extended interpretation of A. M. Butlerov's postulates. The practical-analytical approach consists in changing the order of studying organic compounds: from properties – to structure, in contrast to the traditional approach: from structure – to properties. The purpose of the restructuring of the course is the formation of the necessary competencies for a limited number of hours in the discipline and in the presence of a huge volume of information. The role of organic compounds in the world around us is emphasized.


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