Cluster approach in the organization of the vocational guidance

Research Article
EDN: XPBHND DOI: 10.31483/r-22133
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education»
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Published in:
International academic journal «Development of education»
Natalia Y. Subirkina 1
Work direction:
Russian education system
Received: 29 January 2019

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Cited by:
1 articles
1 FSBEI of HE “The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration”
For citation:
Subirkina N. Y. (2019). Cluster approach in the organization of the vocational guidance. Development of education, 50-53. EDN: XPBHND.
UDC 37


The paper analyzes the concepts «vocational orientation» and «professional self-determination» from subject-object relations. The subjects of vocational guidance are various social institutions such as school, family, state. In the case of professional self-determination, the researcher is interested in the personality of the individual who has to solve a personally significant problem. From the author`s point of view, the cluster approach to the organization of the vocational guidance system allows to coordinate the joint actions of subjects and objects of vocational guidance to achieve the best result.


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