Olfactory Perception Modus Comparison Features in V. Pelevin’s Work

Research Article
EDN: ENPRMN DOI: 10.31483/r-43542
Open Access
International academic journal «Development of education»
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Published in:
International academic journal «Development of education»
Polina S. Ivanova 1
Scientific adviser:
Elena P. Ivanyan1
Work direction:
Book analysis and reviews
Received: 18 October 2019

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doaj РИНЦ
1 Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education
For citation:
Ivanova P. S. (2019). Olfactory Perception Modus Comparison Features in V. Pelevin’s Work. Development of education, 102-105. EDN: ENPRMN. https://doi.org/10.31483/r-43542
UDC 808


The article deals with olfactory perception modus comparisons in postmodern literature (on the example of literary text by V. Pelevin: «Omon Ra», «Life of Insects», «Chapaev and Emptiness», «Generation «П», «Numbers» (as a part of «DTP»), «The Sacred Book of the Werewolf», «Empire V », «S.N.U.F.F.»). The aim of the study is to consider the olfactory perception modus comparison features in V. Pelevin's literary texts. During the study the following research methods were applied: theoretical, statistical, distributional analysis, descriptive, the method of continuous sampling. The special feature of postmodernism – the equalization of opposites – has been analyzed. The following peculiarities of olfactory perception modus comparisons in postmodernism – intertextuality, use of various types of comic means, re-thinking, rhizomatics, rejection of hierarchies – have been revealed and analyzed. The names of researchers considering these features of postmodernism are listed below: I.S. Golovanova, E.I. Dashevskaya, T.G. Prokhorova, I.S. Skoropanova. The article identifies features of rhizomatics that are expressed in fragmentation and uncertainty of comparisons. Results. The features of postmodernism manifestation in olfactory comparisons of V. Pelevin's literary texts are given. The rejection of hierarchy feature is represented by the frequency use of axiologically unmarked comparisons, rather than axiologically positively and negatively marked comparisons. The use of different types of comic means is represented by derision, ironization and impersonation of phenomena that are created by introducing comparisons into the text. Intertextuality consists of remembering the smell by a character. The feature of re-thinking the comparison of the olfactory perception modus is represented by a qualitative change in the consciousness of reality facts perception.


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