Social Success of the Teenager as a Psychology and Pedagogical Phenomenon
Research Article

- Published in:
- International academic journal «Development of education»
- Author:
- Mariya A. Novak 1
- Work direction:
- Sociology and education statistics
- Pages:
- 93-96
- Received: 9 December 2019
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 4116
- Published in:
- doaj РИНЦ
For citation:
Novak M. A. (2019). Social Success of the Teenager as a Psychology and Pedagogical Phenomenon. Development of education, 93-96. EDN: PXIQNK.
UDC 378.2
DOI: 10.31483/r-63992
The article is devoted to clarifying the content of the concept «social success of a teenager». The purpose of the study is to consider the social success of a teenager as a pedagogical phenomenon. During the study, the following methods were applied: theoretical analysis of scientific literature, generalization, synthesis, interpretation, summary. The content of the concepts «achievement» and «success» is analyzed. The structure of the teenager’s social success is revealed: axiological component (values of multiplying socially significant activity in behavior success strategies); epistemological component (a range of social and informational knowledge for successful self-realization in society); praxeological component (production of an adequately normative implementation of the uniqueness of ideas and achievements). The names of researchers considering the essence and content of the definition are given: V.K. Buinova, O.A. Vostrikova, E.V. Deeva, A. Zbutsky, L.N. Kazimirskaya, L.V. Kalinina, L.G. Pak. The psychological and pedagogical aspects of teenagers’ social success formation are revealed: the socializing aspect reveals a better development of social norms and traditions through the prism of success; the gnostic and integration aspect emphasizes the resulting integration of teenagers’ knowledge about society and man obtained from formal, informal and non-formal education; resource and psychological aspect allows you to reveal the personal energy of the mental experience of success and direct to the development of personality; socio-pedagogical aspect reinforces the presence of personalized support for teenagers in the prevention of their victimization in high-risk society; prognostic and acmeological aspect consists in designing trajectories of reaching the top of abilities implementation at each age stage; appraising and productive aspect highlights the effective functioning in society. As a result, the social success of the teenagers is considered as a personal quality, integrating systematic knowledge of the norms of society, an emotional-value attitude to success, focusing on productive social interaction, including new components (axiological, epistemological, praxeological) in the structure of teenagers’ social success in the information and virtual era as a pedagogical phenomenon.
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