Chelovecheskii potentsial: institutsional'naia model' sotsial'no-trudovykh otnoshenii

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-108022
Open Access
Monograph «Directions for educational development in the Year of the Teacher and Tutor»
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Monograph «Directions for educational development in the Year of the Teacher and Tutor»
Zalina M. Dzokaeva 1
Work direction:
Глава 3
Received: 3 October 2023

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Published in:
1 FGBOU VO "Severo-Osetinskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. K.L. Khetagurova"
For citation:
Veriaskina A. N., Sabodina E. P., Dzokaeva Z. M., Pokhilko A. D., Gubanova M. A., Sian I., Vlasova S. A., Dormidontov R. A., Omarov O. M., Ismailov S. O., Annaev R. I., Narykova O. N., Liakhova E. G., Sudakov D. V., Sudakov O. V., Gordeeva O. I., Sych G. V., Petrova N. G., Pogosian S. G., Zaritskaia V. V., Koreneva A. V., Ryzhkova I. V., Denisova O. A., Lekhanova O. L., Gudina T. V., Glukhova O. A., Bukin D. A., Zinin S. V., Tkachenko I. S., & Panteleeva N. G. (2023). Directions for educational development in the Year of the Teacher and Tutor, 208. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


The development of human capital is crucial for the progressive growth of organizations, making it one of the most important economic institutions. In this regard, human capital research has important theoretical and practical significance, especially when it comes to specific organizations. This chapter is devoted to the methodological foundations of human capital development. It emphasizes that the development of an organization's human capital largely depends on the established system of social and labor relations, especially with regard to labor processes and the efficiency of using highly intelligent workers. The chapter considers different types and structure of social and labor relations in modern organizations, as well as factors influencing the formation of the institutional model of social and labor relations.


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  2. 2. Шаш Н.Н. Трансформация организаций в турбулентной экономике / Н.Н. Шаш, А.И. Бородин // Журнал экономической теории. – 2012. – №3. – С. 154–161. EDN NPHPHF
  3. 3. Шаш Н.Н. Человеческий капитал компании: пути эффективности его использования / Н.Н. Шаш, А.И. Бородин, А.Н. Сорочайкин // Человек и труд. – 2013. – №8. – С. 50–54.


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