Integration of GIS into cadastral mapping and analysis.

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Modern trends in management, economics and business: from theory to practice»
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Published in:
All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference «Modern trends in management, economics and business: from theory to practice»
Aigul' R. Sabasheva 1
Scientific adviser:
Guzel E. Gilmanova1
Work direction:
Информационные технологии в управлении, экономике и предпринимательстве
Received: 25 October 2023

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1 Bashkirskii gosudarstvennyi agrarnyi universitet
For citation:
Sabasheva A. R. (2023). Integration of GIS into cadastral mapping and analysis. Modern trends in management, economics and business: from theory to practice, 85-87. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


This study examines the transformational impact of integrating geographic information systems (GIS) into cadastral mapping to address the inaccuracy, limited availability, and lack of adaptability of traditional systems. The study identified specific and measurable improvements after GIS integration, including a 25% increase in data accuracy, a 30% reduction in search time, and a 40% increase in collaboration capabilities. The results obtained allow us to consider GIS integration as a strategically sound and empirically proven activity that offers concrete solutions to ensure accuracy, efficiency and interaction in the compilation of cadastral maps


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