The concept of an international payment system based on the integration of CBDC systems into the blockchain

DOI: 10.31483/r-110448
Open Access
XI scientific and practical conference with international participation «Relevant problems of modern science and education»
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XI scientific and practical conference with international participation «Relevant problems of modern science and education»
Artem A. Pashkov 1
Work direction:
Цифровое общество: научные инициативы и новые вызовы
Received: 11 March 2024

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1 Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
For citation:
Pashkov A. A. (2024). The concept of an international payment system based on the integration of CBDC systems into the blockchain. Relevant problems of modern science and education, 92-94. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


In many countries, central bank digital currency (CBDC) systems are being developed or tested. Although they are fully operational in only a few countries, the interest they have garnered suggests that it is highly likely that in the near future, many nations will use three forms of money: cash, non-cash, and digital. If the experiment proves successful, digital currencies may gradually replace cash and potentially reduce the share of non-cash transactions. The potential for the use of digital money is immense. Considering the trend towards economic globalization, it is conceivable that the national systems on which they are based could be integrated into an international payment system using blockchain technology, capable of conducting cross-border transactions in real-time with currencies as well as other assets. The article describes the concept of such a system and the opportunities it opens up.


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