Armed forces as a factor in the political process in the Russian Federation and Latin America

DOI: 10.31483/r-32953
Open Access
All-Russian scientific conference «Patriotism as a factor of social-economic development of Russia»
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All-Russian scientific conference «Patriotism as a factor of social-economic development of Russia»
Margarita A. Dementeva 1
Work direction:
Философия патриотизма
Received: 4 June 2019

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1 SEI of HE of MR “Moscow State Regional University”
For citation:
Dementeva M. A. (2019). Armed forces as a factor in the political process in the Russian Federation and Latin America. Patriotism as a factor of social-economic development of Russia, 91-97. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


The article deals with the complex of issues of civil society influence on the formation and activity of the Armed Forces of the state. Based on practical examples, the author considers the specifics of the professionalization of the army in Latin America, draws Parallels with the Russian Federation. An important common feature of Russia and Latin America, the author believes hypertrophied public attention to the Armed Forces. In the Latin American States, which no one is going to attack, the army is perceived as a symbol of statehood, the value of the guarantee of its sovereignty, it is exalted, the officer corps is respected. In the Russian Federation, civil society is critical of the growth of defense spending, advocates a complete transition to a professional army.


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