Ekonomicheskaia sushchnost' i klassifikatsiia kapitala predprinimatel'skikh struktur

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-74760
Open Access
Monograph «Culture. Science. Education: modern trends»
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Monograph «Culture. Science. Education: modern trends»
Ekaterina A. Kurasova 1
Work direction:
Глава 2. Наука
Received: 10 February 2020

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1 Far Eastern Federal University


The capital of an organization is a fundamental principle in business development. The variety of forms in which the organization's capital acts complicates the process of managing it. At the same time, the use of external sources of financing ensures that business structures achieve their goals and objectives, and sometimes exceed the planned indicators. In capital management, a clear definition of the forms of capital and its structure comes to the fore. Only with strict adherence to raising funds for certain goals and objectives, it is possible to achieve success in the company's activities.


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