Modern Understanding and Research Trends of University Students' Loyalty

All-Russian research-to-practice conference with international participation «Pedagogy, Psychology, Society: Current Trends»
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All-Russian research-to-practice conference with international participation «Pedagogy, Psychology, Society: Current Trends»
Elena V. Zhikhareva 1 , Elena V. Malikova 2 , Natalia I. Trubnikova 1
Work direction:
Социальные процессы и образование
Received: 6 April 2020

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Published in:
1 FGBOU VO "Altaiskii gosudarstvennyi gumanitarno-pedagogicheskii universitet im V.M. Shukshina"
2 Biiskii filial im. V.M. Shukshina FGBOU VO "Altaiskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii universitet"
For citation:
Zhikhareva E. V., Malikova E. V., & Trubnikova N. I. (2020). Modern Understanding and Research Trends of University Students' Loyalty. Pedagogy, Psychology, Society: Current Trends, 266-269. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


Based on an analysis of modern Russian scientists’ researches, the phenomenon of “loyalty” as applied to university students as subjects of education is examined.


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  3. 3. Dominyak, V. I. (2006). Organizational Loyalty: a Model for Realizing the Employee’s Expectations From Their Organization [Text]: dissertation abstract for the degree of candidate of psychological sciences. Saint-Petersburg. 18.
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  6. 6. Savenkova, Yu. S., & Reznik, G. A.  (2009). Formation of a Loyalty Program as a Factor in the Competitiveness of a University. Problems of Theory and Practice of Management, 2, 83–92. URL:
  7. 7. Sekerin, V. D., Yurkevich, E. V., Tumin, Yu. A., & Ivanov V. A. (2014). Methodology for Assessing Student Loyalty. News of MSTU “MAMI”. Series “Economics and Management”, 4 (22), 54–58. URL:
  8. 8. Stavropoltseva, E. A. (2013). Formation of Organizational Loyalty Among University Students [Text]: dissertation abstract for the degree of candidate of psychological sciences. Yekaterinburg. 25.
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