Research and Development of the Project of a Process Information System for Supply Chain Management on the Example of Warehouse Logistics

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-75765
Open Access
Monograph «Law and Economics»
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Monograph «Law and Economics»
Sergei S. Gusev 1
Work direction:
Глава 2. Экономика
Received: 29 May 2020

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1 PAO "Rostelekom"
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The article is devoted to research and development of a project for a process information system for supply chain management (SCM) (based on the example of warehouse logistics of JSC Kaluga Remputmash plant). The process of taking inventory on charge to the warehouse was selected for detailed consideration. The characteristics of the enterprise, its mission, strategic goals are described, and the architectural and process model of the enterprise is constructed. During a pre-project survey, an architectural and process model of the system for taking inventory on charge to the warehouse (“AS-IS”) was formed. The developed solutions include three aspects: practical significance, scientific and technical novelty, and commercial feasibility. Practical significance means that this system will allow the company to reduce warehouse costs, reduce the time for taking inventory on charge, for drafting and processing documents, and improve the reliability of information. Scientific and technical novelty reflects the identified problems in the process of taking inventory on charge to the warehouse and solutions to eliminate these problems. Commercial feasibility consists in the estimated effectiveness of the proposed solution.


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