Solution of Educational and Professional Tasks of Various Levels of Integrativity is an Innovative Didactic Tool for Professional Training of Cadets

International Research-to-practice conference «Psychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects»
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International Research-to-practice conference «Psychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects»
Vladimir P. Bykov 1
Work direction:
Personal health and security in the modern educational system
Received: 28 October 2020

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1 Filial FGKVOU VO "Voennyi uchebno-nauchnyi tsentr Voenno-vozdushnykh sil "Voenno-vozdushnaia akademiia im. professora N.E. Zhukovskogo i Iu.A. Gagarina" Minoborony Rossii v g. Cheliabinske
For citation:
Bykov V. P. (2020). Solution of Educational and Professional Tasks of Various Levels of Integrativity is an Innovative Didactic Tool for Professional Training of Cadets. Psychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects, 371-378. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


Nowadays, large educational institutions focus primarily on the formation and development of basic skills. In air training schools basic skills are supplemented by professional skills. For further work in aviation units, graduates must acquire such qualities as communication skills, creativity, ability to work in a team (crew), and the ability to think critically. But without basic professional skills, cadets will not be able to master the most complex modern aviation equipment. Therefore, for the formation of these skills, it is necessary at the initial stage to be able to solve educational and professional tasks of various levels of integrativity. This article presents the solution of educational and professional tasks of various levels of integrativity, which is a necessary condition for improving the professional level of cadets. The soluition of the educational and professional tasks of different level of integrity as an innovative didactic mean of formation of basic professional skills represented as an integrative course based on the modular approach includes cross-subject lectures, various practical trainings and self-tuition aimed at solution of both academical and professional task of various levels of integrativity via interrelation of special subjects (military and professional) and flying practice.


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