Osobennosti formirovaniia motivatsii uchebnoi deiatel'nosti obuchaiushchikhsia v shkol'nom kurse biologii

All-Russian scientific conference with International Participation «Fundamental and applied research for key propriety areas of bioecology and biotechnology»
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All-Russian scientific conference with International Participation «Fundamental and applied research for key propriety areas of bioecology and biotechnology»
Irina S. Nafeeva 1
Scientific adviser:
Natal'ia A. Lengesova2
Work direction:
Педагогические аспекты преподавания дисциплин естественнонаучного цикла
Received: 8 June 2021

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Published in:
1 Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I. N. Ulyanov
2 Nauchno-issledovatel'skii tsentr fundamental'nykh i prikladnykh problem bioekologii i biotekhnologii FGBOU VO "Ul'ianovskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii universitet im. I.N. Ul'ianova"
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