Sergei P. Arshinik

Place of work

FSBEI of HE "Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism"
candidate of pedagogic sciences

Author's articles(4)

Dinamika pokazatelei fizicheskogo razvitiia detei shkol'nogo vozrasta, obuchavshikhsia v obshcheobrazovatel'nykh organizatsiiakh v 2011, 2015 i 2019 godakh



in the work on the basis of a large statistical material, data on the dynamics of growth, weight, ribcage circle and weight and height index of school-aged children in different periods of study were obtained. On the basis of mathematical and statistical analysis, a comparison was carried out, as a result of which significant age differences were revealed and the norms for each taken indicator in accordance with different levels were developed. The expediency of revising and adjusting the norms of physical development every 4 years has been proven.

Sravnitel'nyi analiz fizicheskoi podgotovlennosti shkol'nits goroda Krasnodara (2012 i 2019 gody)



в статье представлен сравнительный анализ динамики многолетней физической подготовленности девочек и девушек, обучающихся в общеобразовательных учреждениях города Краснодара. В исследовании принимали участие более пяти тысяч школьниц. Результаты обработки и сравнительного анализа мониторинга физической подготовленности обучающихся подтвердили гипотезу о положительном воздействии Всероссийского физкультурно-спортивного комплекса «Готов к труду и обороне» на физическую подготовленность девочек и девушек города Краснодара.

Osobennosti formirovaniia programmy ispytanii kompleksa GTO dlia detei shkol'nogo vozrasta



the article is devoted to the issue of the All-Russian Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” implementation. It is the most important task of the system of physical education of the Russian Federation. The authors outline that a study and selection of test priorities of the TRP Complex of various categories of schoolchildren makes it more effective to prepare, organize and conduct tests for various age categories.

Analiz podgotovki iunykh bortsov vol'nogo stilia na osnove realizatsii polozhenii vserossiiskogo fizkul'turno-sportivnogo kompleksa "Gotov k trudu i oborone"



the authors of the article outline that athletes and, above all, young ones, including representatives of freestyle wrestling, should participate in the all-Russian sports complex “Ready for Labour and Defence”. The technology for improving young athletes’ physical training level based on the implementation of certain provisions of the sports complex “Ready for Labour and Defence” was developed and its effectiveness was proved.