The article examines the problem of lack of consensus regarding the interpretation of the term "self-employed", provides a number of definitions of the concept under study, formulated by various authors, and analyzes them. The author attempts to formulate the term "self-employed" taking into account the socio-economic aspect.
в статье рассматривается ряд проблем социально-экономического характера, возникающих у представителей прекариата и самозанятых, рассматриваются характерные черты, присущие и прекариату, и самозанятости. Автор обосновывает актуальность исследования самозанятых как большой социальной группы, вписывающейся в социальную структуру общества.
the article is devoted to the study of the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, which had the greatest impact on the economic field, and, in particular, on the labor market. An analysis of the dynamics of the mode of operation in the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods is presented. The disadvantages of the remote format of work are indicated. The results of a survey of Russians on the further preferred mode of carrying out their labor duties are given. A comparative characteristic by age groups of choosing a place of labor activity is shown. It was revealed that the representatives of the...