Mikhail S. Batanov

Author's articles(2)

Dvizhenie "elektrona". "Vakuumnaia elektrodinamika"



тhis work is a continuation of a series of articles devoted to the development of fully geometrized physics on the basis of the axiomatics of the Algebra of Signatures [1–5]. This article discusses the motion of stable vacuum formations in a "vacuum" (in a continuous "medium" from which they consist themselves) and the foundations of a completely geometrized "vacuum electrodynamics" are laid.

Metriko-dinamicheskie modeli razlichnykh sortov "neitrino" v ramkakh aksiomatiki Algebry signatur



this work is a continuation of a series of papers [1–6] devoted to the development of fully geometrized physics on the basis of the Algebra of Signatures axiomatics. For shortening, the Algebra of Signatures is often called «Alsign». In the previous articles [1–6], metric-dynamic models of practically all elementary «particles» (fermions and bosons), included in the Standard Model (with the exception of «neutrinos» and Higgs bosons) were proposed. This monograph proposes metric-dynamic models of various «neutrino» varieties, and thus completes a full set of stable «vacuum» formations, which fu...