Violetta E. Sharkova

Author's articles(2)

The Use Method of Circular Training for the Development of Strength Abilities of Students of RTSAU in Classes on Basic Physical Culture



the article discusses methodological recommendations and general principles of conducting classes on basic physical culture at the university using the method of circular training. The authors set a goal: to study the influence of the circular training method on the development of strength abilities of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and lower extremities in female students. To achieve the goal, the following methods were used: analysis of educational and methodological literature, pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing. It was assumed that the use of circular training using mod...

Razvitie fitnes-industrii v Rossii v period ekonomicheskogo krizisa



в работе проведен мониторинг роста числа фитнес-организаций и специалистов отрасли в России за период с 2012 года; проведен анализ влияния экономического кризиса на развитие фитнес-индустрии с 2019 года; определены перспективы развития сферы фитнес услуг.