Elena V. Provalova

Place of work

FGBOU VO "Ul'ianovskii gosudarstvennyi agrarnyi universitet imeni P.A.Stolypina"
candidate of agricultural sciences

Author's articles(1)

The contribution of the population of the Ulyanovsk region to achieving victory in the Great Patriotic War



the article is dedicated to certain events in the military history of the Ulyanovsk region, showing the contribution of the region's residents to the victory over Nazi Germany. It presents an example of heroism and patriotism of Ulyanovsk residents – our fellow countrymen. The authors outline the important role of the Volga region, specifically the Ulyanovsk region in achieving victory due to its specific historical situation, geographical and strategic location. Ulyanovsk is the city where many enterprises evacuated from other cities of the country were situated: Moscow, Vitebsk, etc. The art...