Anton A. Chibiliov

Place of work

FGBUN Institut stepi UrO RAN

Author's articles(2)

Karkasnyi podkhod v izuchenii prostranstvennoi struktury territorii



the study of existent spatial structures and processes evoked by them is accompanied with the study of structure features of a territory where they function and develop. The framework approach applied in studying and constructing a spatial territory structure can be considered as a way of nature use management and as a strategy of territorial planning of a cultural landscape in an old cultured region, which let to support a balance between conservation and use of natural resources. Sustainable development of a territory depends on the knowledge sufficiency of natural, social and economical pro...

Resursy istoriko-kul'turnogo turizma i ikh rol' v povyshenii obrazovatel'nogo i prosvetitel'nogo urovnia razlichnykh sloev naseleniia



this monograph describes the historical and cultural tourism resources of the Orenburg region, which have great potential for creation of unique historical and cultural centers and landscape parks, which simultaneously fulfill scientific, cultural, educational and tourist tasks. Historical and cultural tourism plays an important role in raising enlightenment and educational levels of both the individual and specific social groups in such aspects as the formation of aesthetic and ethical norms of perception of the surrounding natural and multicultural social world in order to obtain new informa...