List of publications on a keyword: «социокультурный феномен»
Videobloging kak realizatsiia sotsiokul'turnykh praktik sovremennogo obshchestva
ProceedingHistory of culture, study of art and philology: modern points of view- Author:
- Irina V. Dovgalyova
- Work direction:
- Культурология
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается значение видеоблогинга в современном обществе. Раскрыты сущность, функции, механизмы и значимость воздействия практик видеоблогинга на аудиторию. На основе социологического исследования методом анкетного опроса проанализировано отношение студенческой молодежи к видеоблогингу как социокультурному явлению.
- Keywords:
Palomnichestvo kak religioznyi i sotsiokul'turnyi fenomen
Book ChapterCulture. Science. Education- Authors:
- Elena N. Chesnova, Elena G. Martianova
- Work direction:
- Глава 1. Культура
- Abstract:
- The current views on holy pilgrimage is considered in the article. Its religious foundations, characteristics, which displays it as a religious phenomenon are considered. Its secular foundations, characteristics, which displays it as a sociocultural phenomenon are pointed out. The authors emphasize that holy pilgrimage is considered from confessional as well as secular grounds. The authors come to the conclusion that within the frameworks of modern culture, holy pilgrimage is a complex and multivaried religious and sociocultural phenomenon that requires detailed consideration.
- Keywords:
- holy pilgrimage, religious pilgrimage, sociocultural phenomenon, pilgrim, religious tourism, religious experience, pilgrim's journey, cultural tourism, variety of tourism