List of publications on a keyword: «personality development»
The relevance of the problem of personal resistance of adolescents to the use of psychoactive substances
ProceedingModern educational process: psychological and pedagogical support, educational strategies- Authors:
- Olga V. Suvorova, Sergei I. Nikitin
- Work direction:
- Социально-психологические проблемы современного образования
- Abstract:
- This article analyzes the relevance of the problem of a modern Russian educational institution, prevention of addictive behavior of adolescents. The types of accentuation of the characters of adolescents that contribute to the use of psychoactive substances are considered. The motives for the use of psychoactive substances by adolescents are indicated. The factors of psychological defense in adolescents and personal resistance to the use of psychoactive substances are identified. The personal qualities of adolescents that prevent the use of psychoactive substances are revealed.
- Keywords:
- personality development, character accentuations, teenagers, personal resistance, significant personal qualities, psychoactive substances
ProceedingPsychology today: from theory to practice- Authors:
- Aleksandra D. Samokhvalova, Marina D. Shirshova, Liudmila I. Bochantseva
- Work direction:
- Психология семьи и детско-родительских отношений
- Abstract:
- In this article, the authors present a theoretical analysis of the problem of the father's role in a child's life. Studying the research of recent years devoted to this problem, the article reveals the influence of the relationship with the father on the psychological and emotional well-being of children, as well as on the formation of their personality. In this article, the authors attempt to consider various aspects of the father's interaction with the child, including the formation of patterns of behavior, psychological support, the father's participation in the upbringing of the child and communication with him. As a result of the study, the authors emphasize the importance of the presence and active participation of the father in the life of his child for his full-fledged harmonious development and the formation of healthy relationships.
- Keywords:
- personality, personality development, family, family education, child, childhood, child-parent relations, father, fatherhood, psychology of family education
Adolescence: features of the stage of personality development
ProceedingPhenomenology of Personality: Resourcefulness and Multidimensionality- Author:
- Kirill A. Belitskii
- Work direction:
- Развитие личности на разных возрастных этапах
- Abstract:
- Adolescence is one of the important stages in the development of personality. At this age interval, the comprehension of reality, the instilling of feelings and the formation of character take place. In this article we will consider the features of personality development at this age stage.
- Keywords:
- personality, psychological characteristics, individual, adolescence, adolescent development, work with children, transitional age, stage of personality development
Pedagogicheskii fenomen tsifrovoi transformatsii vysshego obrazovaniia pri vnedrenii distantsionnogo rezhima u studentov-ochnikov na primere distsipliny "Anatomiia TsNS"
Book ChapterQuestions of Education and Psychology- Authors:
- Sofia V. Krasovskaia, Gennadshchii V. Iudin, Liana M. Bogatyreva, Ramazan K. Satiev, Nina A. Gubieva
- Work direction:
- Глава 6
- Abstract:
- В статье рассмотрены проблемы и перспективы замещения очного образования на дистанционное на примере преподавания дисциплины «Анатомия центральной нервной системы» в гуманитарном вузе. Отмечены основные методические и методологические проблемы, возникшие в ходе такого переноса, проведено сравнение с образовательным процессом по данной дисциплине при заочной форме обучения. Выявлены основные принципы построения электронной образовательной среды по данной дисциплине для создания единого цифрового образовательного пространства ВУЗа с перспективой для реализации приоритетных проектов цифрового образования. Предлагаются пути решения задачи о безусловном достижении каждым обучающимся требуемого (зафиксированного в утвержденной образовательной программе) уровня образовательной подготовки по данной дисциплине и вопросы разностороннего развития его личностного потенциала с использованием возможностей цифровой педагогики.
- Keywords:
- transformation of education, educational programs, digitalization, digital transformation, digital educational environment, level of educational training, diversified personality development, personalized learning, rich information environment, standards of educational technologies
The Practice of Implementing Work Programs of Education in Educational Organizations of the Chuvash Republic
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 4 No 3- Author:
- Galina V. Nikolaeva
- Work direction:
- Practice
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to present the practical experience of educational organizations of the Chuvash Republic in bringing the basic educational programs into compliance with the requirements of the Law on Education No. 273-FZ (as amended on July 31, 2020), in particular, on the development and implementation of the work program of education and the calendar plan of educational work as an integral part of the basic educational program to the pedagogical community; to describe the mechanism of organizational and managerial, informational, methodological support of educational activities of educational organizations of the Chuvash Republic. Methods. The study of the dynamics of the readiness of educational organizations of the Chuvash Republic to implement work programs of education was carried out using a comparative comprehensive analysis based on the results of monitoring studies, the compilation of ratings of educational organizations, discussions. Results. The need for organizational, managerial, informational, methodological support of the activities of educational organizations for the development of work programs of education and calendar plans of educational work led to the development of a republican model of methodological support of educational activities. Local activities, as well as the distributed responsibility of the subjects of the republican education system, including methodological support systems, for the preparation of teaching teams for the development and implementation of work programs of education and calendar plans of educational work, provided quantitative and qualitative indicators of the readiness of the regional education system to implement educational activities in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Education No. 273-FZ (as amended on July 31, 2020). Conclusion. The conducted research revealed the existence of an appropriate level of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the readiness of the education system of the Chuvash Republic to implement educational tasks and determined the further direction of its development - methodological support of educational activities of educational organizations, ensuring the quality of this area of work.
- Keywords:
- education, personality development, universal values, the activity nature of upbringing, the unity of scheduled and extracurricular activities, a systematic approach, the structure of the main educational program, the steering educational program, the calendar plan of educational work
Some Methodological Approaches to the Study of Giftedness in Modern Science
ProceedingPsychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions- Author:
- Marina G. Seluch
- Work direction:
- Теория и методология изучения одаренности и ее видов
- Abstract:
- A detailed analysis of approaches to research in foreign and domestic psychology on the problem of development of giftedness and its main scientific characteristics are presented in the article. Using the experience of models and concepts of development of giftedness as a system personal education, the author defines the tools for practical work with students studying in educational institutions.
- Keywords:
- personality development, environment, the phenomenon of giftedness, cognitive processes, creative potential, heredity
Psikhologicheskie posledstviia vliianiia nauki na sovremennoe obrazovanie i razvitie lichnosti
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 2- Author:
- Viktoriia R. Sagitova
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- The work presents arguments about the impact of science on modern education and personal development. The consequences of such impact in recent years are increasingly being discussed by the scientific community, and the psychological consequences for a person become the object of not only research, but also anxiety on the part of scientists and the layman.
- Keywords:
- education, science, personality development, age periodization, consequences