List of publications on a keyword: «intraschool violence»
K probleme povysheniia kompetentnosti pedagogov v voprosakh profilaktiki nasiliia v obrazovatel'noi srede
Book ChapterTopical Issues of Pedagogy and Psychology- Author:
- Svetlana A. Kirilova
- Work direction:
- Глава III. Психологические аспекты педагогической деятельности
- Abstract:
- The article analyses the problem of violence in educational institutions and describeds the reasons and the forms of bullying and the reasons and the forms of auto-aggressive behavior as a consequence of bullying. The data of the study of the problem of violence in schools of St. Petersburg and recommendations on removing the conditions of manifestation of violence in educational institutions are presented.
- Keywords:
- bullying, intrapersonal conflict, suicidal behavior, intraschool violence, prevention of bullying