Development of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects
- Author:
- Vladimir N. Kruglov
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- The empirical component of economic processes does not tolerate statics, which can only, perhaps, serve as a separate theoretical justification of some aspects in certain spheres of life. For reliable results, due to the fact that practice is the ultimate criterion of veracity of any new tool (model), it is necessary to proceed from the phenomena of dynamic order. It is the situational analysis with a minimum share of inaccuracy that allows to see the true advantages and disadvantages of the studied object, its risks and opportunities depending on the also changing realities of the environment. As the results of leading research institutes show, today the speed of updating information series (including the field of economics) is growing literally in geometric progression. If in the last century it took decades for the basic knowledge to become obsolete, now it becomes obsolete within a year. Without a doubt, this is due to the factors of informatisation, growth of human resources and artificial intelligence, computerisation and many other factors inherent in modern society. As the model of socio-public relations changes, and so does the very model of the relations of the economic order. And this phenomenon is especially grotesque in foreign economic activity. It is in its context that the author considers different periods of the automotive clusters' activity in the Kaluga region. A retrospective analysis is made. Appropriate assessments of each stage of development are given. The peculiarities of this sphere of life lie in the presence of many foreign investors, who played a favourable part in the establishment of a self-sufficient budget of the region. But any foreign investor, being oriented first of all on its own profit, at the same time is very much dependent on political aspects of the country of its original origin. And what was good for everyone yesterday, today turns into an "economic collapse" due to the replacement of economic priorities with political ambitions. The author proves that the political and economic model created by Western countries is a pseudo-model and has no long-term mutually beneficial prospects in foreign economic cooperation.
- Keywords:
- region, foreign economic activity, resources, budget, automotive cluster, territorial development, economic realities, political relations, preventions, investment appeal