List of publications on a keyword: «прецедент»
Pravovaia priroda i vidy iuridicheskogo pretsedenta, ego sootnoshenie s rossiiskim pravoporiadkom
ProceedingStrategies of Sustainable Development: Social, Law and External-economic Aspects- Authors:
- Marina D. Ferster, Aleksandr V. Salenko
- Work direction:
- Актуальные вопросы юриспруденции
- Abstract:
- Автор исследует феномен «юридический прецедент» в контексте англо-саксонской и романо-германской правовых семьях, затрагивая конституционную, международную и европейскую отрасли права. Сравнивая прецеденты с российским правопорядком, автор приходит к выводу, что понятие «юридический прецедент» не вклинивается в привычный образ вынесения решений государственными органами и их должностными лицами. Вместе с тем толкование нормы права вышестоящими судами и принятие во внимание судебных постановлений сигнализируют о наличии схожих признаков с судебным прецедентом.
- Keywords:
Problems and prospects of legal systems development
ProceedingInnovative approaches to management in economic, technical and legal systems- Authors:
- Marina A. Kuznetsova, Darina A. Syrbu
- Work direction:
- Развитие правовых систем
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of legal systems from the point of view of both history and modernity. The author considers the dynamics of development of legal systems, modern trends, principles of action, as well as the problems faced by the modern legal system since its inception. This article focusses on the challenges faced by the modern legal system and possible solutions.
- Keywords:
- corruption, digital state, public relations, legal system, legal families, globalisation, electronic platforms, legal principles, source of law, judicial precedent
Foreign language textbook as semiotic phenomenon
Review ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 4- Authors:
- Elena E. Chikina, Valeria A. Averina
- Work direction:
- Ethno-Cultural Problems of Education
- Abstract:
- The aim of this paper is the semiotic analysis of a foreign language textbook as a semiotic phenomenon reflecting the cognitive attitudes of its authors and aimed at forming not only external but also deep layers of the learner's linguistic personality, responsible for motivation, intents and attitudes. The material to be analysed is a popular line of EFL textbooks “English file” by British authors Ch. Latham-Koenig and C. Oxenden. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time a foreign language textbook is considered not as an educational and methodological text, but as an alternative reality, a dynamic complex sign, similar to the discursive space of a fiction book. The study is conducted by applying the method of contextual analysis, the method of cognitive-pragmatic analysis, and the interpretive method to the polycoded texts of EF-textbooks. The authors conclude that the semiotic complex of EF-textbooks exhibits the characteristics of an educational novel of fiction, where the learner assumes the function of a fairy-tale hero, acting in the space of English-language cultural mythologems, reference-metric elements, topoi and narratives. As a result of active realisation of the happy end narrative, supported by the system of topoi and precedent names characteristic of the English-language conceptosphere, the textbook uses the suggestive potential of the so-called soft power to form changes at the motivational-pragmatic level of the linguistic personality.
- Keywords:
- semiotics, semiology, pedagogical discourse, foreign language textbook, cultural mythologemes, narrative, precedent phenomenon
Primenenie stranovedcheskogo materiala v obuchenii inostrannomu iazyku
ProceedingThe Topical Issues of the Humanities and Social Sciences: from Theory to Practice- Authors:
- Natiia E. Kuchuloriia, Svetlana O. Parfenova
- Work direction:
- Теория и методика обучения и воспитания
- Abstract:
- In this article, the problems of the use of country studies material in the study of foreign languages in junior classes are considered. The author offers algorithms for the use of various techniques for the formation of socio-cultural competence of younger schoolchildren in the development of regional studies material. One of the key points of improving the effectiveness of the educational process in this area is the development of a series of lessons aimed at working with the country-specific material of the UMK for a more complete immersion of students in foreign language culture. A special place in solving these issues is given to such techniques as role-playing games, collaging, precedent texts.
- Keywords:
Ontological Models of Proverbs as Precedent Texts (on the Material of Different Structural Models in the Russian and Chuvash Languages)
Research ArticleEthnic Culture Volume 5 No 2- Authors:
- Aleksei R. Gubanov, Ekaterina A. Kozhemiakova, Galina F. Gubanova
- Work direction:
- World languages and literature
- Abstract:
- This article presents an analysis of proverbs as precedent texts and their ontological (conceptual) models in the Russian and Chuvash languages as having different structures. The relevance of the work is due to the cognitive-pragmatic approach to the linguistic picture of the world of proverbs, as well as the need to determine the status of the ontological model of precedent texts of proverbs as a special structure of knowledge that characterizes the features of ethno-linguistic consciousness. Based on the material of Russian and Chuvash proverbs, a conceptual analysis of the precedent texts of proverbs is carried out. The basic models of the subject's cognitive decision-making strategy are distinguished: 1) cognitive setting for a low / high degree of argumentative impact: a) with the axiological dominant “gradation”; b) with a stereotypical dominant; c) with adaptive dominant; 2) cognitive attitude with the axiological component “positive – negative”. The identified types of axiological components of conceptual objects act as factors, grounds that ensure the use of proverbs as an argument, reflecting the values and traditions of the Russian and Chuvash cultural communities. Characteristic for acts of argumentation in which proverbs are used are such basic structures as one-sided argumentation and two-sided argumentation. In the discourse in the relationship of communicants in the languages under consideration, simple and complex speech acts with proverbs are used, which have the same pragmatic features, but differ in quantitative terms and communicative conditions of functioning. The structure of the precedent text of proverbs is presented as an ontology in the Protégé ontology editor system, since in modern research ontology is considered the leading paradigm of information content structuring.
- Keywords:
- conceptual analysis, proverbs, precedent text, ontological model, argumentative discourse, languages of different structures, ethno-linguistic consciousness, cognitive-pragmatic approach, speech act, Protege system
The British Constitution as an example of an unwritten constitution
ProceedingDays of Student Science- Authors:
- Ekaterina A. Kolobynina, Kadriia N. Gafiullina
- Work direction:
- Современные гуманитарные науки и проблемы языкознания
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the features of the unwritten Constitution of Great Britain, the question of the existence of a constitution in this country, controversial issues. The author believes that the unwritten constitution has the right to exist. Some legal scholars and lawyers do not consider the English constitution to be unwritten, since both precedents and statutes are set out in writing. Thus the United Kingdom has a written but uncodified constitution. Its peculiarity is that it consists of statutory law, common law and constitutional agreements, is a living, mobile act and is currently not completed, continues to develop and change.
- Keywords:
- unwritten constitution, Great Britain, precedent, statute law
Zarubezhnyi opyt pravovoi reglamentatsii obshchestvennykh otnoshenii pretsedentnym pravom
ProceedingTopical issues of law, economic and management- Author:
- Marina I. Lavitskaia
- Work direction:
- Международное право
- Abstract:
- В статье изучается зарубежный опыт правовой регламентации общественных отношений прецедентным правом. Автор приходит к выводу, что применение прецедентного права в англосаксонской правовой системе, сложившееся исторически, до сих пор оправдано рядом положительных качеств этой системы. Английские юристы находят в ней ряд преимуществ, считая, что это более гибкая система, чем в странах континентального права, позволяющая быстро реагировать на изменения в общественных отношениях и оперативно обеспечивать их правовое регулирование, а также гарантировать восстановление справедливости в каждом конкретном случае, учитывая малейшие нюансы конкретного дела. Вместе с тем система довольно громоздка из-за большого количества накопившихся прецедентов и сложна для применения по ряду причин, среди которых можно выделить редакционные сложности с поиском самих прецедентов и, до недавнего времени, проблемы с их обнародованием.
- Keywords:
Sudebnyi pretsedent v sisteme istochnikov rossiiskogo prava
ProceedingLaw, economics and management: current issues- Authors:
- Ranis F. Salimov, Adel G. Suleimanov
- Work direction:
- Актуальные вопросы юриспруденции
- Abstract:
- В статье рассмотрена роль судебного прецедента в российской системе права. Сформирован тезис научной статьи о близости решений Конституционного Суда РФ судебному прецеденту. Даны рекомендации по развитию судебного прецедента в РФ.
- Keywords:
Pretsedentnye fenomeny v reklame kosmetiki i parfiumerii
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Author:
- Zarina E. Molanurova
- Work direction:
- Национальное образование: языкознание, языковая культура
- Abstract:
- Данная статья посвящена проблеме прецедентности. Рассмотрено понятие прецедентного феномена, виды прецедентных феноменов, особенности текста рекламы, а также исследованы различные примеры рекламных кампаний косметики и парфюмерии.
- Keywords: