List of publications on a keyword: «женский вопрос»
Retrospektiva zhenskogo voprosa v Sovetskoi Rossii s 1917 po 1940 gody
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Artem V. Gerasimchuk
- Work direction:
- Basic principles of family mediation
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается эволюция отношения государства к гендерной политики, анализируются важные события и законодательные инициативы, такие как декреты о браке, семье и материнстве, которые формировали новую роль женщины в обществе. В работе освещаются противоречия и сложности, с которыми сталкивались женщины в условиях быстро меняющегося общества, их вклад в строительство социалистического государства.
- Keywords:
Women's education in Russia as the most important component of the “women's issue”: based on the materials of the journalistic literature of the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries
Review ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 6 No 1- Author:
- Alexander N. Pozdnyakov
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- The purpose of the article is to study the journalistic materials published in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries related to the coverage of the women's issue in Russia, to identify on their basis approaches to solving the problems of the formation and development of women's education, to trace trends in their public perception, to compare their positions. Materials on the women's issue and women's education as its most important component, published in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries. They belong not only to famous public figures, writers, but also to those for whom journalism has become a new experience. The issues of the formation and development of women's education as one of the most important components of the women's issue were widely covered in the journalistic literature of the period under study. It reflected various positions on this issue that have developed in society. The study of literature allowed us to understand more deeply the essence of the public mood of that time, to feel the emotional intensity, to accept the results closer. The analysis of the source material showed that the ranks of the participants of the women's movement and its supporters became increasingly growing and active. Despite the gradual reduction in the number of opponents, their struggle, taking various forms, has been dealing significant blows for many decades, holding back possible successes. A special place in public life was occupied by liberals, whose activities were mainly verbal statements.
- Keywords:
- women's issue, women's movement, women's education, emancipation of women, nihilism
Brak i sotsialisticheskaia sem'ia v trudakh A.M. Kollontai (zhenskii vopros v molodom sovetskom gosudarstve)
ProceedingTopical Issues of Archaeology, Ethnography and History- Author:
- Inna I. Semenova
- Work direction:
- Исторические личности на службе Отечеству
- Abstract:
- В статье проанализированы идейные взгляды А.М. Коллонтай на новые семейные отношения и построение социалистической семьи в постреволюционной России. По результатам исторического исследования сделан вывод, что воззрения на семью и внутрисемейные отношения главного коммунистического теоретика и пропагандиста Александры Михайловны Коллонтай имели огромное значение в решении женского вопроса в Советской России.
- Keywords: