List of publications on a keyword: «levels»
Evidence-based research on coaching: problems and prospects
ProceedingCoaching and mentoring: theory and practice- Author:
- Natalia V. Antonova
- Work direction:
- The essence of psychological security of the individual
- Abstract:
- The article analyzes the evidence-based approach in coaching practice, provides signs and levels of evidence, considers various theoretical approaches in coaching and their characteristics. Various methodological approaches to evidence-based research in coaching are analyzed.
- Keywords:
- coaching, Psychology of coaching, evidence-based practice, evidence-based research, levels of evidence
Diagnostics of the formation of semantic reading in the work of secondary school students with educational mathematical texts
Research ArticleDevelopment of education Volume 7 No 3- Author:
- Alexey R. Romashchenko
- Work direction:
- Pedagogy and Modern Education
- Abstract:
- Learning is working with a variety of educational texts based on reading, understanding, evaluating and interpreting information. To identify the result of reading an educational mathematical text and the quality of understanding the meaning of the text space created by educational materials, it is necessary to diagnose reading, namely, the level of semantic reading. In the modern study of reading, the PISA international monitoring, the concept of reading literacy, its components and levels are defined. The success of understanding more complex educational mathematical texts will depend on the level of reader literacy. If the levels of reading literacy have evaluation criteria and diagnostic apparatus, then how to assess the level of semantic reading? The article examines the relationship between the levels of reading literacy and text comprehension, models for assessing the semantic complexity of the text and semantic reading skills, various level structures for diagnosing the understanding of a mathematical educational text. Based on the studied scientific material, the complexity of the educational mathematical text "Triangle" was assessed according to criteria such as the number of words, simple words, scientific terms and their complexity, the number of mentions of scientific terms in each paragraph. Diagnostic material has also been created to check the understanding of this text, each task of which is aimed at determining the understanding of each information block and assessing the degree of development of semantic reading.
- Keywords:
- PISA, reading literacy, semantic reading, levels of semantic reading, text comprehension, levels of understanding texts, semantic complexity of the text
The main approaches to the design of tasks for the development of critical thinking in schoolchildren in preparation for the computer USE in computer science.
ProceedingEngineering education in the conditions of digitalization of society and economy- Author:
- Lidiia V. Druzhinina
- Work direction:
- Методологические основы формирования инженерной компетентности у школьников и студентов
- Abstract:
- He requirements for the quality of education and the assimilation of material by schoolchildren are increasing every year, and the computer format of the unified state exam entails the possession of students, not only the subject area, but also the tools of the IT industry. The article substantiates the influence of the levels of development of critical thinking of students on the quality of preparation and the effectiveness of passing the Unified State Exam. Indicators, levels and tasks for the development of critical thinking are highlighted.
- Keywords:
- indicators, brainstorming, critical thinking, computer science, unified state exam, levels, cluster
Symbolic Psychology of Art – Field Of Non-classical Psychology
Book ChapterPedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education- Author:
- Elena V. Zvonova
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- The article is deboted to the psychology of art which as a non-classical psychology focuses its attention on the means that a person develops and uses in his communication with the outside world, and implements it as a means of controlling his own psyche. The symbolic psychology of art studies the development, functioning and evolution of sign-symbolic systems at the level of interaction «man – man – society», since art in a widely accessible form is able to raise the most complex existential problems, as well as concentrate on the inner world of each person. The symbolic psychology of art, thanks to the active development of related sciences, primarily semiotics and art history, currently has great chances for productive development.
- Keywords:
- symbol, artistic image, psychology of art, cross cultural communication, cultural codes, coding levels, systems of artistic language, means of interaction, image of the world
Modern problems of implementing the strategies of the legal policy of the Russian Federation in the context of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic
ProceedingLaw, Economics and Management- Author:
- Dmitrii V. Krylov
- Work direction:
- Актуальные вопросы юриспруденции
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the problems of the legal policy of the Russian Federation during the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19. One of the most serious problems associated with the levels of implementation of legal policy was the actual absence of conceptual strategies of legal policy, since during the period under review, legal policy was implemented not at the traditional conceptual level, but at the situational level. At the same time, the consequence of the legal, including law enforcement, policy that has developed in these conditions has been not only the emergence and development of various conflict situations, but also the resolution of legal problems.
- Keywords:
- legal policy, pandemic coronavirus COVID-19, levels of legal policy, situational level
Multi-Level Complex Tasks in the System of Assessment Tools (On Example of a Physics Course)
Research ArticleDevelopment of education No 3 (9)- Author:
- Olga V. Plotnikova
- Work direction:
- Theoretical and Applied Education Research
- Abstract:
- The article discusses the problem of forming a system of assessment tools in the context of modular competence-based learning. The aim of the research is to find the optimal means for assessing the level of competence formation. In author’s opinion, one of the abovementioned means is complex tasks that include several multi-level components. Based on the analysis of ways to solve this problem, presented in the scientific and pedagogical literature, the author offers criteria for selecting tasks for the formation of a system of assessment tools aimed at diagnosing the level of formation of necessary competencies, shows the role of complex tasks for such diagnostics. Using the example of the physics course, their possible structure and the problems solved by individual elements of this structure are reviewed. Examples of such tasks are given, and it is shown that they allow to diagnose the level of formation of individual elements of competence, adjust teaching methods and motivate students to work actively, seek out additional information, promote awareness of the importance of discipline as a professional one. The results of the research generalize the personal experience of teaching physics at the Far Eastern Federal University and can be used by university teachers in creating their own system of assessment tools.
- Keywords:
- competence-based learning, a system of assessment tools, levels of competence formation, complex tasks, physics course
Criteria and indicators of the level of formation of the subject-moral position in adolescent students
ProceedingPedagogy, Psychology, Society- Author:
- Olesia A. Denisenko
- Work direction:
- Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования
- Abstract:
- The article is devoted to the method of studying the subject-moral position of a teenager. The article defines the criteria and indicators for diagnosing the subject-moral position of a teenager. Three levels of the subject-moral position are revealed: high, medium, and low.
- Keywords:
- diagnostics, extracurricular activities, subject-moral position, criteria and indicators of subject-moral position, levels of subject-moral position
Olimpiadnaia podgotovka shkol'nikov po distsiplinam gumanitarnogo tsikla (na primere istorii, obshchestvoznaniia, prava)
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends- Authors:
- Pavel I. Gorbunov, Roman I. Gorkinskii, Natalya A. Milioshina, Liudmila A. Potapova
- Work direction:
- Глава V. Приемы и методы формирования и развития учебной мотивации обучающихся
- Abstract:
- The article on the example of history, social science and law, analyzes and systematizes the authors' experience in the field of olympiad training of students. The relevance of the problem in the context of the need to implement the national project “Education” is revealed, the advantages of schoolchildren having achievements in various competitions when entering universities are described. The important role of competent scientific consulting and mentoring in the system of olympiad training is emphasized. On the example of the project “Growth Story”, the need for early preparation for the Olympiads is substantiated, non-standard approaches to this process are proposed. The most common types of olympiad tasks are analyzed, methodological methods aimed at improving the efficiency of their implementation are proposed.
- Keywords:
- history, olympiad training, author's tale, social science, law, mentoring system, individual educational routes, levels of the educational system, tutor support
Development of differential innovation strategies in the system of state and municipal management
Book ChapterEducation and science: current trends No 1- Author:
- Aleksandr S. Shpak
- Work direction:
- Парадигмы современной науки
- Abstract:
- The author reflects the tendency of developing innovative strategies in the documents of state and municipal authorities. The classification of innovative strategies in the system of state and municipal management is made from the position of reaction to changes in the external and internal environment. The author's interpretation of the term «innovative strategy» and understanding of the strategic stages of innovative process at the organizational and managerial levels in the system of state and municipal management are formulated. An approach to understanding the tasks and levels of the innovative strategy of the authorities is presented and a procedure is proposed for selecting an innovative strategy and conducting innovative strategic analysis of innovation activities for organizational and managerial levels in present system of management. The mechanisms and tools for developing and implementing an innovation strategy for organizational and managerial levels are defined.
- Keywords:
- innovation strategy, selection procedure, authority body, state and municipal government system, innovative development strategy, innovative activity, innovative strategic analysis procedure, organizational and managerial levels, innovation strategy development, innovation strategy implementation