List of publications on a keyword: «Национальный проект «Образование»»
Innovatsii v inzhenernom obrazovanii Rossiiskoi Federatsii: po materialam effektivnykh praktik raboty federal'nykh innovatsionnykh ploshchadok
Book ChapterDevelopment of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects- Authors:
- Tat'iana A. Lavina, Tatiana I. Gritsevich, Natalia V. Russova, Anna N. Zakharova
- Work direction:
- Глава 12
- Abstract:
- The chapter highlights innovative models for the formation of training of engineering personnel in the higher education system of the Russian Federation, identified on the basis of an analysis of materials from federal innovation plans. The work was carried out within the framework of the Research Agreement on "Identification of best practices based on the results of expert evaluation of applications and reports of federal innovation platforms" with LLC "Financial Expert Systems". Moscow, the operator of the organization of the procedure for evaluating the activities of FIP entities within the framework of the execution of the State Contract dated April 25, 2022 No.05.2022. for the performance of works (provision of services) under the project "Information, analytical and technological support for the formation and functioning of a network of federal innovation platforms in the advanced educational ecosystem of the Russian Federation". The authors consider projects of federal innovation platforms of institutions of higher education, implemented in the field of engineering education, as well as in other interdisciplinary areas related to the training of engineering personnel in modern conditions.
- Keywords:
- engineering education, federal innovation platforms, higher education institutions, innovative educational projects, innovative models, Priority national project "Education", Priority national Project "Science and Universities"
Innovatsionnye modeli formirovaniia edinogo prostranstva podgotovki, otsenki kachestva i povysheniia kvalifikatsii pedagogicheskikh kadrov v RF: po materialam effektivnykh praktik raboty FIP
Book ChapterModern educational technologies: psychology and pedagogy- Authors:
- Tat'iana A. Lavina, Anna N. Zakharova, Tatiana I. Gritsevich
- Work direction:
- Глава 2
- Abstract:
- The chapter highlights innovative models for the formation of a unified training, quality assessment and professional development of pedagogical personnel in the higher education system of the Russian Federation, based on the analysis of the best practices of federal innovation platforms. The work was carried out within the framework of the Research Agreement on "Identification of best practices based on the results of expert evaluation of applications and reports of federal innovation platforms" with Financial Expert Systems LLC. Moscow, the operator of the organization of the procedure for evaluating the activities of FIP subjects within the framework of the execution of the State Contract dated April 25, 2022 No.05.2022. for the performance of works (provision of services) under the project "Information, analytical and technological support for the formation and functioning of a network of federal innovation platforms in the advanced educational ecosystem of the Russian Federation". The authors consider projects of federal innovation platforms of higher education institutions implemented in the field of "pedagogical education", as well as in other interdisciplinary areas related to the professional development of teaching staff.
- Keywords:
- federal innovation platforms, pedagogical education, institutions of higher education, innovative educational projects, effective practices, innovative models, the National project "Education"
Effektivnye modeli innovatsionnoi deiatel'nosti v sisteme vysshego obrazovaniia dlia podgotovki kadrov v usloviiakh tsifrovizatsii obshchestva: luchshie praktiki raboty federal'nykh innovatsionnykh ploshchadok
Book ChapterTheoretical and practical aspects of pedagogy and psychology- Authors:
- Tat'iana A. Lavina, Anna N. Zakharova, Tat'iana I. Gritskevich
- Work direction:
- Глава 3
- Abstract:
- The chapter of the monograph highlights effective models of innovative activity in the system of higher education for training personnel in the context of the digitalization of society, identified on the basis of an analysis of the best practices of federal innovation platforms. The work was carried out within the framework of the Research and Development Agreement on «Identification of best practices based on the results of an expert evaluation of applications and reports of federal innovation sites» with Financial Expert Systems LLC, Moscow, the operator of the organization of the procedure for evaluating the activities of FIP subjects as part of the execution of the State Contract dated April 25, 2022 of the year No. 05.2022. for the performance of works (provision of services) under the project «Information, analytical and technological support for the formation and operation of a network of federal innovation sites in the advanced educational ecosystem of the Russian Federation». The monograph examines the projects of federal innovation platforms of higher education institutions, implemented in the direction of «informatics, digitalization», as well as in other interdisciplinary areas related to the digitalization of society. The paper analyzes the innovative experience of the FIP: ANO VO «Russian New University», FSAEI HE «National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», FGAEI HE «Sevastopol State University», FGBOU HE «State Academy of Industrial Management named after N.P. Pastukhov, Mari State University, Volgograd State University, Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev», ANO VO «University of Innopolis», Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Rostov State Economic University (RINH)”, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov».
- Keywords:
- best practices, federal innovation platforms, digitalization of education, institutions of higher education, digitalization of society, National project «Digital Economy», National project «Education»
K voprosu konsul'tirovaniia roditelei po probleme detskogo autizma
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Natalia A. Peshkova
- Work direction:
- Практика психологического консультирования родителей: Как понять своего ребенка?
- Abstract:
- В данной статье сделана попытка обобщить ответы на вопросы родителей, обратившихся на «горячую линию» ТГПУ им. Л.Н. Толстого в рамках федерального проекта «Современная школа» национального проекта «Образование» относительно их детей, страдающих расстройствами аутистического спектра. Дан обзор проявлений признаков расстройства аутистического спектра, отмечены и раскрыты основные направления коррекционной работы с детьми с РАС.
- Keywords:
Natsional'nye proekty Rossii v oblasti sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoi politiki: tseli, zadachi, sovremennoe sostoianie i perspektivy
ProceedingTopical issues of law, economic and management- Authors:
- Vitalii A. Pavlov, Aleksandra V. Milaia
- Work direction:
- Менеджмент и маркетинг
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматривается актуальность национальных проектов России в области социально-экономической политики. Данные целевые программы направлены на поднятие и развитие уровня образования, жилищных условий и медицинского обслуживания населения Российской Федерации.
- Keywords:
Family from A to Z: Primary Areas of Work with Parents, Children and Teachers
ProceedingSocio-Cultural and Psychological Problems of the Modern Family: Current Issues of Assistance and Support- Author:
- Oksana A. Draganova
- Work direction:
- Актуальные вопросы сопровождения и поддержки современной российской семьи
- Abstract:
- The experience of F(P)BI "SemyA" of Lipetks Region on work with families is presented in the article. The realization of regional project "The support of families with children" on the region's territory based on the model "Family from A to Z" is highlighted in the work. The demands of parents in alphabetic order are revealed. The importance of improvement of parental expertise in terms of nurturing, education, development of children is signified. Approaches and programs on work with different categories of families, including substitute families, are found in the article.
- Keywords:
- family, parents, "Education" national project, "Support of families with children" federal project, "Family from A to Z" regional model
Konkurentosposobnost' rossiiskogo obrazovaniia: riski dostizheniia tseli Natsional'nogo proekta "Obrazovanie"
ProceedingEducation, innovation, research as a resource for community development- Authors:
- Dmitrii V. Goliguzov, Vadim E. Fedorov, Aleksei V. Nemykin
- Work direction:
- Социальные процессы и образование
- Abstract:
- В статье рассматриваются риски реализации цели по повышению места Российской Федерации в мире по присутствию университетов в топ-500 глобальных рейтингов университетов с 17-го места в 2018 году до 10-го места в 2024 году. Особое внимание уделяется недостаткам реализации «неофордизма» в образовании Российской Федерации. Также отмечается, что существует несоответствие между целеполаганием государственных программ и национальных проектов в сфере образования с реалиями нагрузки профессорско-преподавательского состава работников вузов РФ. В статье делаются предложения, которые, как представляется, могут быть эффективными внутри уже сформированной государственной политики в сфере образования.
- Keywords: