Gosudarstvenno-pravovoe regulirovanie nesostoiatel'nosti (bankrotstva)

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-106964
Open Access
Monograph «Economics and Law»
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Monograph «Economics and Law»
Elena V. Iakovenko 1
Work direction:
Глава 3
Received: 25 May 2023

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1 Dal'nevostochnyi iuridicheskii institut (filial) FGKOU VO "Universitet prokuratury Rossiiskoi Federatsii"
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This study is devoted to the study of the fundamentals of legal regulation of the institute of insolvency (bankruptcy) in Russia, as well as the role of the state in the regulation and implementation of this institution. The author considers the system of normative legal acts and acts of interpretation operating in the field of insolvency (bankruptcy), the main directions of state policy, tasks and functions of public authorities directly involved in the implementation of legislation on insolvency (bankruptcy). During the study of these issues, the author analyzed scientific literature, judicial practice, as well as materials of judicial statistics showing trends in the development of the institute of insolvency (bankruptcy) in Russia and the practice of its application. Based on the analysis, conclusions are drawn about the need to improve the regulatory framework of this institution, including taking into account the adjustment of the distribution of functions between public authorities, which will increase the effectiveness of the implementation of bankruptcy procedures in practice.


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