Chuvashskie natsional'no-kul'turnye obedineniia Tatarstana (materialy k illiustrirovannoi entsiklopedii "Narody Tatarstana")

All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «Problems of education, history and culture through the prism of the ethnic diversity of Russia (for the 170th anniversary of the Chuvash educator I.Ya. Yakovlev)»
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All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «Problems of education, history and culture through the prism of the ethnic diversity of Russia (for the 170th anniversary of the Chuvash educator I.Ya. Yakovlev)»
Firdaus G. Kalimullina 1
Work direction:
Межконфессиональные и межэтнические отношения: история и перспективы
Received: 3 April 2018

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1 OP GNBU "Akademiia nauk RT" "Institut tatarskoi entsiklopedii i regionovedeniia AN RT"
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