Current aspects of the economic strategy of the People's Republic of China and India in Latin America: current state and prospects.

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DOI: 10.31483/r-109683
Open Access
All-Russian Scientific Conference «Strategies of Sustainable Development: Social, Law and External-economic Aspects»
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Published in:
All-Russian Scientific Conference «Strategies of Sustainable Development: Social, Law and External-economic Aspects»
Andrei A. Tkachenko 1 , Sergei V. Frolov 1 , Maksim D. Khromov 1 , Rustam M. Shubenok 1 , Dmitrii I. Mameko 1
Scientific adviser:
Dmitrij N. Ermakov1
Work direction:
Современные тенденции развития мирового сообщества
Received: 5 January 2024

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Published in:
1 Tsentr mirovoi politiki i strategicheskogo analiza FGBUN "Institut Kitaia i sovremennoi Azii RAN"
For citation:
Tkachenko A. A., Frolov S. V., Khromov M. D., Shubenok R. M., & Mameko D. I. (2024). Current aspects of the economic strategy of the People's Republic of China and India in Latin America: current state and prospects. Strategies of Sustainable Development: Social, Law and External-economic Aspects, 26-28. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


To finance modernization strategies, Latin American countries need to take advantage of the demand for commodities stimulated by Asian countries. Promote increased competitiveness and productivity through strengthened industrial policy and development, diversification of exports and production, and participation in global value chains to move towards higher value-added activities.


  1. 1. The chapter's historical background reflects the excellent analysis of Victor Bulmer-Thomas, The Econom ic History of Latin America since Independence (Cambridge University Press, 2014), and Luis Bertola and Jose.
  2. 2. Ocampo A., The Econom ic Development of Latin America since Independence. – Oxford University Press, 2012.
  3. 3. The organization changed its name to the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in 1984.
  4. 4. Luis Alberto Moreno, preface to Reaching across the Pacific: Latin America and Asia in the New Century, edited by Cynthia J. Arnson and Jorge Heine, with Christine Zaino. – Washington, DC: Woodrow Wiso ternational Center for Scholars, 2014. – P. 2, 1.
  5. 5. Steven C. Conservatives Were Sure Trans-Pacific Partner Deal Would Be Signed / C. Steven // Globe and Mail. – 2015.
  6. 6. P.A. Petri, M.G. Plummer, and F. Zhai, The Trans-Pad Partnership and Asia-Pacific Integration: A Quantitative Assessment, Analyses in International Economics 98. – Washington, DC: Peterson In. stitute for International Economics. – 2012.
  7. 7. MERCOSUR Countries [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 02.01.2024).


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