Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Honorary worker of science and technology of the Russian Federation, doctor of economic sciences, doctor of political sciences, candidate of historical sciences, academician Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, professor Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, professor
в статье предпринимается попытка на основании статистических данных, имеющихся в открытом доступе, представить ориентировочную оценку влияния повышения пенсионного возраста на отдельные параметры рынка труда. В качестве параметров рассматриваются уровень безработицы, коэффициент социальной напряженности на рынке труда, коэффициент напряженности на рынке труда и заявляемая работодателями потребность в работниках.
в статье рассмотрены теоретические аспекты процессов формирования, использования и направления развития системы внутренней диагностики предприятия. В работе выделены критерии выбора метода оценки эффективности управления деятельности предприятия.
в статье рассмотрены теоретические и практические аспекты формирования кадрового резерва в ПАО «ОАК». Внедрение системы управленческого кадрового резерва в ПАО «ОАК» позволило выявить самых перспективных и готовых к реальному росту и развитию сотрудников, более того, профессиональная оценка как внутренними системами и руководителями, так и внешними источниками позволило дать сотрудникам, вошедших в список резервистов возможность к личностному развитию и получению повышения должностей, достичь конкретных целей для нужд компании.
The formation of a Patriotic worldview of Russian youth is an important component of the state youth policy in Russia. Saturation of the book market with products of national and Patriotic themes is one of the priorities of socially oriented business. The article presents the results of a sociological survey conducted among Russian youth who demonstrated a high interest in literature of military - Patriotic content.
The article comprehensively analyzes the macro-and micro-economic aspects of the development of the Republic of ivory coast, which gained independence from the French Republic on August 07, 1960. The author pays great attention to the processes of ensuring the economic stability of the country's economic system in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.
the article analyzes the history of difficult relations between the United States and Latin American countries in recent times. The author, using a wide source base, examines the prospects for US participation in the overthrow of legitimate political regimes in the States of the region.
In recent years, Russia has shown a high interest in Soviet economic history, which is largely due to the critical understanding of state economic policy in the post-Soviet period. In this regard, this article is relevant from the point of view of expanding the theoretical and methodological base of the historical and economic analysis of the USSR. This article provides a rethinking of the economic development of the USSR on the basis of calculations of personal savings and the share of household consumption in GDP and comparisons of these indicators with Western ones.
The authors, based on poorly studied documents and secondary sources, consider the events on Khalkhin Gol in the context of the development of military-political and economic processes in East Asia, primarily related to the Sin War. The authors claim that the Japanese militarists did not abandon their plans of aggression against the USSR after Khalkhin-Gol, and the cessation of hostilities against the Red Army and the MNR troops was caused by the position of politicians in the leadership of Japan. Due to the pressure of the militarists on the Japanese government and parliament, rapprochement b...
в статье мы стремимся решить проблему оптимального алгоритма управления сближением двух спутников с использованием непрерывной малой тяги, для решения задач оптимального сближения используются и численные и аналитические методы. Сначала мы строим математическую модель, описывающую движение космического аппарата вблизи круговой орбиты (динамическая модель Клохесси – Уилтшира – Хилла), с помощью аналитических методов решаем систему дифференциальных уравнений, и с использованием принципа максимума Понтрягина позволяет построить оптимальную по расходу топлива траекторию сближения для условий испол...
the article makes an attempt to analyze a new type of social assistance to low-income citizens, low-income families, as well as citizens in a difficult life situation in order to formulate proposals for its improvement. The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin during the meeting with senators held on 23 September 2020 pointed out that "One of the key factors in war on poverty is the social contract" (https://ria.ru/20200923/bednost-1577654986.html). The social contract is a very effective type of social assistance, as it is aimed to activating the citizens themselves in increasin...
in the chapter of the monograph, using a logical historical sequence, examines the key aspects of the establishment and evolution of Sino-American relations. The author pays great attention to the issues of modern trade and economic relations in the modern conditions of globalization and the digital economy.
the chapter substantiates the role and importance of information technologies as a factor of modernization of the innovative economy of the country, causing qualitative changes in the structure of social production. The advantages of using information technologies in various spheres of human activity that transform the global economic system are revealed. The areas of the use of information technologies in the economic space are considered. The statistics of the distribution of cloud services in Russia for the last time are given. The conclusion is made about the prospects of using information...
the chapter shows that solar battery and storage battery systems are capable of providing up to 70% of the needs of the population of a country located in the «southern» region of the world in electric energy. In conditions of strong sun and favorable wind rose, small-area solar panels and wind generators located in private homes are ways to solve global government tasks of saturating the country with energy. The monograph examines individual countries of Western Asia (Middle East) and the Arab Republic of Egypt.
In some Asian states, within the framework of the «road maps», large-scale financ...
at the beginning of the 21st century, China adopted a strategy of “going global”. In the first decade of the 21st century, much has been written about the growing international presence of the People's Republic of China, especially in developing regions such as Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America.
China-Latin America relations have deepened significantly in recent years so much, that the first decade of the 21st century can be called the “Chinese decade of Latin America.” However, as predicted at the very beginning, Latin America's trade relations with China are characterized by exports o...
the development of tourism in Russia is one of the main priorities of the country’s state development strategy. For Russia, tourism development is one of the priorities of the state development strategy. This chapter describes tourism as an essential component of the innovative development of our country in the long term, an economically profitable and environmentally friendly branch of the national economy. The growing demand for domestic tourism and transformation of the industry during the pandemic have become the main incentive for a deep modernization of the domestic tourism industry, aim...
To finance modernization strategies, Latin American countries need to take advantage of the demand for commodities stimulated by Asian countries. Promote increased competitiveness and productivity through strengthened industrial policy and development, diversification of exports and production, and participation in global value chains to move towards higher value-added activities.
в современную эпоху развития инновационных технологий цифровые инструменты находят самое широкое применение во многих аспектах жизнедеятельности общественного организма. Цифровизация непосредственно влияет на экономику, формируя новую систему ценностных отношений между субъектами хозяйственно-предпринимательской деятельности. В статье предпринята попытка системного анализа применения новых креативных цифровых технологий в туристической индустрии.
авторы интерпретируют российско-китайские отношения с точек зрения кризиса однополярного мира и результата провала старой концепции внешней политики России, которую условно можно назвать «атлантизмом». Статья призвана внести вклад в изучение недавней истории российско-китайских отношений, с точки зрения методологии, в этой связи авторы уделяют много внимания хронологии развития отношений между Россией и КНР. В то же время имеется задача показать не востоковедам процесс поворота России к укреплению отношений с Китаем. Авторы разделяют прошлую внешнюю политику России на «Атлантизм» и «Евразийств...
The constitutions of many States set out the obligation of the government to guarantee a well-functioning and reliable system of protection against industrial injuries. Whether the government provides workers ' compensation insurance directly, or when it is delegated to a third party (special authorities or insurance companies), the government is still responsible for the operation of the system. The latter is of particular importance, since the settlement of claims for workers ' compensation insurance is of a long-term nature. An effective system of protection against industrial injuries and...
a comprehensive analysis of theoretical approaches to the formation of political preferences of modern Russian youth is presented in the article. The article contains analytical material; theories and approaches to understanding factors that affect the electoral behavior of modern youth are analyzed.
the article describes the problem of improving the quality of managerial decision-making when using information and predictive systems in response to floods. The article uses system and model research methods. As a result, it was proposed to expand predictive models by the modern method of interpretation of SHAP and to include consideration of its results in the process of making managerial decisions when responding to floods.
The article discusses the issues of understanding by international political scientists of the strategy of the Japanese Government to move to a more decisive military doctrine based on the conceptual idea of anticipating the actions of a potential enemy. In August 2016, the cabinet of Shinzo Abe declared the country's appeal to the new strategy "Free and Open Indo-Pacific Region" (FOIP), which has since become a system-forming link in Japanese foreign policy. Nevertheless, there is no definite general opinion among FOIP political scientists as to what FOIP really and definitively is within the...
В монографии, подготовленной ведущими преподавателями юридического факультета Государственного университета просвещения, отражены наиболее важные аспекты преподавания юридических дисциплин студентам – юристам педагогического вуза. В монографии предложены новые подходы к проблемам правового регулирования гражданско-правовых отношений в условиях современной цифровой экономики, исследованы теоретические вопросы правоприменения, историко-правовые аспекты развития правовых институтов. Рекомендуется преподавателям и студентам юридических, экономических и исторических институтов и университетов.
the article analyzes the main aspects of economic efficiency of annuity assurance policy in Russia. The general trends in the development of pension systems in the countries of the West, the difference between Russia and the West in this aspect are revealed. The author offers to make the pension system of Russia more socially just and close to the ideas of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The linkage of pension payments to the interest rate is seen as an ineffective and dangerous approach in modern Russian conditions to the organization of pension provision for the population, for w...