Automobile tourism in Russia: new directions within the framework of the Concept of development of automobile tourism in the Russian Federation until 2035

DOI: 10.31483/r-112140
Open Access
All-Russian Scientific Conference «Socio-Economic Processes of Modern Society»
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Published in:
All-Russian Scientific Conference «Socio-Economic Processes of Modern Society»
Aleksandr M. Balagurov 1
Work direction:
Социально-экономические процессы в обществе
Received: 31 May 2024

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1 ANO OVO TsRF "Rossiiskii universitet kooperatsii"
For citation:
Balagurov A. M. (2024). Automobile tourism in Russia: new directions within the framework of the Concept of development of automobile tourism in the Russian Federation until 2035. Socio-Economic Processes of Modern Society, 52-55. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


The article discusses the concept of the development of automobile tourism in Russia until 2035. This type of tourism plays an important role in the country's economy, contributing to the development of infrastructure, job creation and increasing the attractiveness of the regions. The concept involves the creation of comfortable and safe conditions for traveling on highways, improving the quality of road services and accessibility of tourist facilities. Special attention is paid to the development of new routes and the creation of infrastructure for automobile tourism. The implementation of the concept will take place in two stages. At the first stage (2024-2025), it is planned to develop a program for the development of automobile tourism, identify routes and create infrastructure. At the second stage (2025-2035), it is planned to improve legislation, increase the number of routes and infrastructure facilities, as well as assess the quality of services provided.


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