Pedagogical Conditions and Collaborative Work of Subjects of the Educa-tional Process in Forming the Competence of Future Teachers

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-112505
Open Access
Monograph «Modern educational technologies: Pedagogy and Psychology»
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Monograph «Modern educational technologies: Pedagogy and Psychology»
Gulzat B. Mukambetova 1 , Umut D. Kasymkulova 2 , Bermet O. Rakybaeva 3
Work direction:
Глава 2
Received: 3 July 2024

Article accesses:
1 Shkola-gimnaziia 68 im. A. Osmonova
2 SOSh 88
3 General'nyi shtab Vooruzhennykh sil KR
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