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International Research-to-practice conference «Current trends in the development of education system»
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International Research-to-practice conference «Current trends in the development of education system»
Marina V. Vinnik 1 , Vladimir V. Vishnevskii 2
Work direction:
Образовательный процесс в высшей профессиональной школе
Received: 6 August 2024

Article accesses:
1 FGBOU VO "Saratovskii gosudarstvennyi tekhnicheskii universitet im. Gagarina Iu.A."
2 Vol'skii voennyi institut material'nogo obespecheniia (filial) FGKVOU VO "Voennaia akademiia material'no-tekhnicheskogo obespecheniia im. generala armii A.V. Khruleva" Minoborony Rossii
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