Realizatsiia pilotnogo proekta po sovmeshcheniiu gosudarstvennoi itogovoi attestatsii vypusknikov obrazovatel'nykh organizatsii srednego professional'nogo obrazovaniia v forme demonstratsionnogo ekzamena profil'nogo urovnia s nezavisimoi otsenkoi kvalifikatsii (na primere professii i spetsial'nostei gorno-metallurgicheskogo kompleksa i mashinostroitel'noi otrasli)

All-Russian scientific conference «Strategic scenarios for the development of the demo exam»
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All-Russian scientific conference «Strategic scenarios for the development of the demo exam»
Natalia E. Baida 1
Work direction:
Совершенствование методического сопровождения и методологии оценки качества профессионального образования
Received: 5 November 2024

Article accesses:
1 Sovet po professional'nym kvalifikatsiiam v gorno-metallurgicheskom komplekse
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