Otsenka investitsionnoi aktivnosti Kemerovskoi oblasti - Kuzbassa

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-115226
Open Access
Monograph «Development of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects»
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Monograph «Development of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects»
Elena A. Fedulova 1
Work direction:
Глава 7
Received: 4 December 2024

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1 Kemerovo State University
For citation:
Kiselev A. A., Soldatova L. I., Shmidt I. I., Fadeeva G. V., Boboshko A. A., Kharlanov A. S., Lapshin V. I., Beketova O. N., Sedov I. D., Bagirova A. R., Loseva E. S., Fedorova I. A., Dashian S. G., Fedulova E. A., Burtseva E. V., Medvedeva S. V., Ivaniuzhenko A. B., Shchankina L. N., Voronenko E. A., Piatitskaia D. V., Sudakov D. V., Sudakov O. V., Gordeeva O. I., Sych G. V., Lavina T. A., Gritsevich T. I., Russova N. V., Zakharova A. N., Paevskaia S. L., & Mironova N. G. (2024). Development of the Russian socio-economic system: challenges and prospects, 196. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda". https://doi.org/10.31483/a-10668


The author analyzes the relationship between investments and economic growth, establishes the dependence of the volume of investments in the region on the profitability of corporations, which in turn depends on the conjuncture of world coal prices. Investments in the region are studied on the basis of the investment rate indicator, which for 2015–2022 is presented in the form of a polyline and is in the range of 17–26%. An analytical study of the sources of attracting investments notes significant volatility in both credit and budgetary resources. The share of borrowed funds of credit institutions in 2022 decreased to a historic low of 2.2%. On the contrary, the share of budget funds has increased to 16%, but at the same time remains significantly lower than other regions of the Russian Federation. Mining is the main activity in the Kemerovo region – Kuzbass and over the period under study, the share of investments in the structure of economic activities increased to 47 percent. Over the past three years, there has been an increase in investments by state-owned organizations from 9.2% in 2019 to 15.6–11.8%% in 2020–2022. The share of active investments in Kuzbass significantly exceeds the share of active investments in the Russian Federation at 36.4% in 2022 and indicates the dynamism and efficiency of investments in the region. The dynamism of the investment process in the region is confirmed by a review of major investment projects being implemented in the Kemerovo Region: the plywood mill on the territory of the Angero-Sudzhensk TOR, the four-star Cosmos Sheregesh hotel complex, the BELAZ technical support center, the Kuzbass Broiler mushroom production workshop.


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