Improving the Management System of a State-Owned Enterprise (Using the Example of the Kaluga Region State-Owned Enterprise Kaluga Machine and Technological Station)

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-115973
Open Access
Monograph «Vectors of socio-economic development in Russia. Modern challenges and opportunities»
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Monograph «Vectors of socio-economic development in Russia. Modern challenges and opportunities»
Vladimir N. Kruglov 1
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Глава 6
Received: 15 January 2025

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1 ChOU VO "Institut upravleniia, biznesa i tekhnologii"
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The relevance of the research topic lies in the need for continuous improvement of the management system of state-owned enterprises based on the analysis of estimated performance indicators and identification of existing problems. The object of the study is the state unitary enterprise of the subjects of the Russian Federation of the Kaluga Region Kaluga MTS (hereinafter abbreviated as MTS). SE KO «Kaluga MTS»). The subject of the research is the management system of the Kaluga MTS State Enterprise. The theoretical basis of the research was domestic and foreign scientific periodicals, textbooks, and materials from scientific and practical conferences and monographs. The information base was the official website of the enterprise, its financial statements and reports of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Kaluga region. During the preparation of the material, such methods as computational-analytical, structural-logical, monographic, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis were used.


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