Vladimir N. Kruglov

Place of work

ChOU VO "Institut upravleniia, biznesa i tekhnologii"
Honorary Worker of Education of the Russian Federation, doctor of economic sciences, associate professor

Author's articles(11)

Socio-Economic Prerequisites and Dominants of The Growth of the Quality of Life in the Regions of Russia



the relevance of the monograph section is determined by the demand for scientific developments at the present stage aimed at combating poverty. In the light of the recent resolutions of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin and government legislative acts, the developments made appear to be exactly the instrumental support that will help to expand, adapt and implement the best territorial practices to improve the quality of life in our country. On the basis of system, complex, process and situational approaches, the authors of the material analyzed a number of existing models of t...

Problemy povysheniia konkurentosposobnosti otechestvennoi ekonomiki: ugrozy i vyzovy



the relevance of the material lies in its demand due to changes in the domestic economy under the pressure of various force majeure circumstances (COVID-19, various anti-Russian sanctions from unfriendly countries) and the search for ways out of the current difficult situation. In this way, the author sees the improvement of the project personnel management system to preserve the "human capital" and all its components as one of the target indicators. There is a search for new tools and models for "stitching bottlenecks" in the personnel direction. New vectors of development in the most promisi...

Tamozhennyi kontrol' kak megareguliator ekonomicheskoi deiatel'nosti



the chapter deals with the issues of software for customs activities during the implementation of the «Strategy for the development of the Federal Customs Service of Russia until 2020». The fiscal activity of the medium-term time lag in the period 2018–2020 is analyzed. The relevance of the material stems from the peculiarities of the modern international situation, when sanctions from a number of unfriendly countries in relation to Russia are trying to put our country in unequal partnership relations. Based on this, based on the experience already accumulated, it is necessary to create new to...

Some Aspects of the Activation of Program-Targeted Support of Foreign Economic Activity



today, during the period of the sanctions impact on Russia by foreign unfriendly countries, the role and importance of the regulatory function of foreign economic activity, the need for its improvement and adaptation to the changed conditions are increasing as never before. In this way, the author considers the tools of currency and export control, as well as tariff and non-tariff methods of regulation to be the most effective. Using the example of the customs industry, scientists conducted a retrospective study of the possibilities of intensification of existing activity algorithms. The relia...

Activation of the Customs Industry in Modern Economic Conditions



the current socio-economic situation in the international space poses many challenges and threats to the Russian Federation that need timely and adequate responses. The rehabilitation by a number of unfriendly states of the post-industrial development model forces them to look for (and find) new ways and algorithms of development, reorienting the logistics directions of foreign economic activity from the West to the East Asian vectors of development. In connection with such a restructuring of the foreign economic model of integration relations management, there are many new tools, models and a...

Improving the Processes of Modeling Customs Activities at the Present Stage



in modern conditions of market economic activity, the process of integration and cooperative interaction often becomes crucial for the country to conduct an effective foreign economic policy. However, it is the very time that this trend has been subjected to numerous challenges and threats from the perspective of multiple packages of unjustified sanctions against the Russian Federation from a number of Western unfriendly states. As a result, along with threats and challenges, strengths and weaknesses of the process, new opportunities for optimizing the trade balance with foreign partners have...

The Impact of the Western Sanctions Policy on the Socio-Economic Indicators of Automotive Clusters in Russian Regions (on the Example of the Kaluga Region)



the empirical component of economic processes does not tolerate statics, which can only, perhaps, serve as a separate theoretical justification of some aspects in certain spheres of life. For reliable results, due to the fact that practice is the ultimate criterion of veracity of any new tool (model), it is necessary to proceed from the phenomena of dynamic order. It is the situational analysis with a minimum share of inaccuracy that allows to see the true advantages and disadvantages of the studied object, its risks and opportunities depending on the also changing realities of the environment...

The Quality of Life of the Population as the Main Indicator of the Socio-Economic Process at the Regional Level



the chapter examines such a fragment of socio-economic relations of the meso-level as the distribution and redistribution of income of the population depending on the fields of activity, economic situation in general, average wages of the territory and much more. The indicators of nominal and real incomes of people, their structural composition, and the impact on the growth of quality of life are taken into account. By interpreting the statistical material accumulated by the Kaluga Region over the past fifteen years in this direction, a search is underway for a more effective model (its contou...

Economic Aspects of Automation of Production Management of a Modern Enterprise (by the Example of Kaluga Pjsc Cadvi)



the chapter examines algorithms for improving automated production management systems. The epistemological roots of various stages of the process are analyzed: automated control systems (ACS), automated production development systems (APS), computer-aided design (CAD) systems and Robotic Process Automation (RPA), as a developing technology involving bots that imitate human actions. The relevance of the problems raised lies in the lack of alternatives to innovative development for the domestic economy. This concept inherently includes a component of artificial intelligence associated with the i...

Program-Targeted Support for the Implementation of Priority National Meso-Level Projects (on the Example of the Promotion of the National Project "Culture" by the Institutional System of the Tula Region)



due to the aggravation of sanctions by unfriendly states towards the Russian Federation, our country is closely facing the need for total import substitution and the introduction of an innovation management system. One of its key tools today is the implementation of priority national projects in business entities. Project management is becoming a priority area of activity in almost all sectors of both production and non-production structures. The direction of culture in the previously planned economy at the state level was often financed according to the system of the «residual principle», whi...

HR Management in the Field of Small Business: Problems and Solutions
