The importance of the methodological system in the formation of the auditory culture of elementary school students

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-127249
Open Access
Monograph «Psychological and pedagogical issues of modern education»
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Monograph «Psychological and pedagogical issues of modern education»
Svetlana V. Kazakova 1
Work direction:
Глава 12
Received: 18 March 2025

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1 MBOU VO "Ekaterinburgskaia akademiia sovremennogo iskusstva"


The chapter of the monograph presents the author's view of the auditory culture as part of the general culture of the individual; the interdependence of the sound environment and the auditory culture of the individual is substantiated, the concepts of «pedagogical system», «didactic system», «methodical system» are separated, the significance and content of the main components of the methodological system for the formation of the auditory culture of elementary school students are presented. Such research methods as comparison, analysis and synthesis were used in the work. The contents of the chapter of the monograph will be of interest to music teachers, teachers of humanities, graduate students, students of higher educational institutions, as well as to a wide range of readers interested in the culture of sound perception.


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  • the relevance of the published material;
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