Gosudarstvennaia politika v podgotovke pedagogicheskikh kadrov rossiiskikh gimnazii nachala XX veka (na primere Kazanskoi gubernii)

International Research-to-practice conference «VII Arsentyev readings "Paradigms of university history and prospects of university studies (for the 50th anniversary of “The Chuvash state university named after I. N. Ulyanov”». Volume 2
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International Research-to-practice conference «VII Arsentyev readings "Paradigms of university history and prospects of university studies (for the 50th anniversary of “The Chuvash state university named after I. N. Ulyanov”». Volume 2
Marina N. Paravina 1 , Olga N. Maiorova 1
Work direction:
Педагогические парадигмы и их отражение в практике университетского образования
Received: 18 September 2017

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1 Alatyrskii filial FGBOU VO "Chuvashskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. I.N. Ul'ianova"


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