Integratsiia uchebnykh distsiplin kak sredstvo povysheniia kachestva obrazovaniia
- Published in:
- International Research-to-practice conference «Current trends in the development of education system»
- Authors:
- Arina M. Karandeeva 1 , Anna G. Kvaratskheliia 1 , Zhanna A. Anokhina 1 , Mariya I. Soboleva 1
- Work direction:
- Использование нестандартных решений для повышения качества, доступности и эффективности образования
- Pages:
- 240-242
- Received: 27 April 2019
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 2918
- Published in:
- {{ trans.статья_процитирована }}:
- {{ `${currentLocale === 'ru' ? 'в ': ''}${citations.length} ${currentLocale === 'ru' ? 'работах' : 'articles'}` }}
1 FSBEI of HE “N.N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical University” of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
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