Smart education: kontekstno zavisimaia sistema-assistent

Book Chapter
DOI: 10.31483/r-33109
Open Access
Monograph «Education and science: current trends»
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Monograph «Education and science: current trends»
Viktoriia V. Bova 1 , Sergei I. Rodzin 1 , Oksana N. Istratova 2 , Iurii A. Kravchenko 1 , Viktor M. Kureichik 1 , Natalia A. Lyz 1
Work direction:
Парадигмы современного образования
Received: 8 July 2019

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1 Southern Federal University
2 Institut komp'iuternykh tekhnologii i informatsionnoi bezopasnosti FGAOU VO "Iuzhnyi federal'nyi universitet"
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Developments in the field of smart education – trend in the world educational space. Smart education is the result of the evolution of the application of information and communication technologies (the first personal computers), e-learning (personal computers for working in the Internet), m-learning (laptops) and u-learning (smartphones) in education. Key elements to support smart education: mobile computing, smart electronic textbooks, and cloud computing. The model, architecture and scenario of context-dependent system-assistant for smart education, able to analyze the individual characteristics of the student, the environment, adapt their work when conditions change are presented in the article. The novelty of the approach lies in the formalization of the context model so that the context-dependent system-assistant «computes on the fly» a specific scenario taking into account the individual characteristics of users and the current educational situation. When building a content management system, it is proposed to use a model based on biologically plausible machines. Context-dependent smart system should be able to personalize the best learning style, help to choose the optimal educational trajectory. For this purpose the device of Bayesian networks and biologically plausible methods are used. Prospective developments aimed at expanding the research base of smart education are the creation of adaptive systems that support an individual approach to learning, content management systems that provide for the possibility of contextual use of educational resources repositories and provide mobility and deep personalization of educational services. In Russia, nowadays there are the necessary prerequisites for the successful implementation of the smart education system: the focus in training are educational, social, civil, professional competencies, forms and methods for the individualization of the educational trajectory change, focus on open world intellectual resources, the emphasis is shifted to self-control and self-assessment of students, to assessment the education quality by employers, professional communities.


Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 18-29-22019.


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