Scientific and methodological activities of the modern music teacher

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DOI: 10.31483/r-33155
Open Access
Сollection of articles «Development of modern education system: theory, methodology, experience»
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Сollection of articles «Development of modern education system: theory, methodology, experience»
Erzhena S. Aleshina 1
Work direction:
Методический инструментарий поддержки и развития педагога
Received: 24 July 2019

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1 SAI SVE of RB "The Buryat Republican Institute of Educational Politics"
For citation:
Aleshina E. S. (2019). Scientific and methodological activities of the modern music teacher. Development of modern education system: theory, methodology, experience, 111-114. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


This article reveals the role of methodological work and scientific and methodological activities in the professional and personal development of a music teacher and the improvement of his social status. The professional and pedagogical activity of a modern music teacher is viewed as a complex structure, where scientific and methodological activity is given a special place. The author raises the problem of developing the methodological competence of a music teacher, emphasizing the importance of special training in the field of scientific and pedagogical research and the conditions necessary to enhance its scientific and methodological potential.


  1. 1. Ивлев С.А. Методическая работа в школе. – М., 2014 [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 24.07.2019).
  2. 2. Сивашинская Е.Ф. Педагогические системы и технологии: курс лекций для студентов педагогических специальностей вузов / Е.Ф. Сивашинская, В.Н. Пунчик; под. общ. ред. Е.Ф. Сивашинской. – Минск: Экоперспектива, 2010. – 196 с.


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