Development of Students’ Creative Thinking

All-Russian research-to-practice conference with international participation «Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions»
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All-Russian research-to-practice conference with international participation «Psychological and Pedagogical Support of Talented Children: Problems, Directions, Approaches, Conditions»
Svetlana S. Filippova 1
Work direction:
Обучение, воспитание и развитие одаренных детей в образовательных учреждениях разного типа
Received: 5 April 2020

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1 Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy


The creativity of thinking is important competence of specialist providing help, to which practical psychology belongs to. The main concept-based and methodological foundations of teaching the course "Training of Creativity" to students of the Faculty of Psychology are presented. The course is built on the concept of creativity of E.P. Torrens, training tasks are a compilation of modern researches and developments in the field of intellectual, productive, artistic creativity.


  1. 1. Kleon, O. (2014). Steal as an artist. 10 lessons of creative expression., 176. Ivanov i Farber.
  2. 2. Kelas'ev, V. N. (1990). Nekotorye podkhody k razvitiiu gibkosti myshleniia. M.
  3. 3. Waitzkin, D. (2014). The Art of Learning. Ivanov i Farber.
  4. 4. Stanovich, K. (2016). What Intelligence Tests Miss. The Psychology of Rational Thought., 532. M.: Kar'era Press.


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