Legal Upbringing and Education of Children With Special Needs in Residential Care Facilities

International Research-to-practice conference «Psychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects»
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International Research-to-practice conference «Psychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects»
Victoria A. Dvoretskaya 1
Work direction:
Problems of psychological safety of the environment in the system of special and inclusive education
Received: 27 October 2020

Article accesses:
Published in:
1 Belarus State University
For citation:
Dvoretskaya V. A. (2020). Legal Upbringing and Education of Children With Special Needs in Residential Care Facilities. Psychologically Safe Educational Environment: Design Problems and Development Prospects, 344-347. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".


The paper considers the importance of accessible legal education and training of children regardless of their development characteristics, i.e. directly taking into account these individual characteristics. The author considers the specifics of creating conditions for accessibility and understanding of the Convention on human rights and other legal documents and acts, as well as the features of their adaptation to the level of child development in order to assimilate, understand and further apply them in their lives in order to ensure their safety in society.


  1. 1. (2009). Obrazovanie v oblasti prav cheloveka v shkol'noi sisteme Evropy, Tsentral'noi Azii i Severnoi Ameriki: sbornik primerov uspeshnykh praktik. UVKPCh OON. Retrieved from
  2. 2. Posobie po obrazovaniiu v oblasti prav cheloveka s uchastiem molodezhi. Retrieved from


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