Evaluation of the efficiency and quality of banking services in the banking sector of the financial system of the region (on the example of the Krasnodar region)

- Published in:
- All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation «Law, Economics and Management»
- Author:
- Nikita V. Starkov 1
- Work direction:
- Общие вопросы экономических наук
- Pages:
- 61-65
- Received: 20 June 2021
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 1329
- Published in:
For citation:
Starkov N. V. (2021). Evaluation of the efficiency and quality of banking services in the banking sector of the financial system of the region (on the example of the Krasnodar region). Law, Economics and Management, 61-65. Чебоксары: PH "Sreda".
In this article, the author analyzes the efficiency and quality of services provided by regional banks of the Krasnodar Territory. The volume of lending to individuals and legal entities, the volume of deposits of individuals and legal entities to the accounts of banks in the Krasnodar Territory are analyzed. In addition, the author identified the most popular services of regional banks in the Krasnodar Territory, as well as factors that directly affect the efficiency and quality of regional banking services.
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