The Readiness of Modern Parents to Effectively Implement Their Social Role of “Parent” (On The Example of Studying the Fathers of Preschool Children)
Book Chapter
- Published in:
- Monograph «Pedagogy and Psychology of Modern Education»
- Authors:
- Tatiana A. Serebriakova 1 , Svetlana V. Dvoriantseva 2 , Svetlana I. Shibalkina 2 , Elena A. Anisimova 2 , Elena A. Rechinskaia 2
- Work direction:
- Глава 9
- Pages:
- 141-151
- Received: 4 September 2021
- Rating:
- Article accesses:
- 1368
- Published in:
- {{ trans.статья_процитирована }}:
- {{ `${currentLocale === 'ru' ? 'в ': ''}${citations.length} ${currentLocale === 'ru' ? 'работах' : 'articles'}` }}
1 FSBEI of HE "Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University"
2 MADOU "D/C 460 "Rodnichok"
2 MADOU "D/C 460 "Rodnichok"
Comments({{ comments.length }})