Anna L. Kudasheva

Author's articles(2)

Features of socio-pedagogical support guardian family



The issues of the vital activities of the guardian family and the existing problems in providing her with social and pedagogical support from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities are revealed. The main forms and methods of interaction with a guardian family are described, affecting its educational potential and the goodwill of relations between children and adults in the family. The results of the diagnosis are described and analyzed, showing the main difficulties that require targeted cooperation of adults to improve psychological and pedagogical comfort in the life of a guardian fami...

Formirovanie uslovii sotsial'no razvivaiushchego vzaimodeistviia v opekunskoi sem'e



The issues of creating a socially developing environment in a foster family with the support of the guardianship and guardianship authorities are revealed. The main problems in foster families, leading to difficulties in adaptation of children in society, are characterized. An in-depth study of the types of interaction in foster families is described and analyzed.